
Composition Each 1 gm contains :
Doxycycline hyclate …………………….. 887.37 mg

( doxycycline base 800 mg ) 
Indication Poultry .. treatment of …… colibacillosis & CRD 
Calf …. Respiratory tract disease
Pig  …..  Respiratory tract disease
Target species Poultry , calf and pigs
Dosage & Adminestration Poultry … 0.06 – 0.12 gm of the product / liter drinking water / day for 3-5 days
Calf & pig … 0.125 gm of the product / 10 kg bwt / day for 5 days .
Packaging 100 , 250 , 500 gm & 1 kg .